10 Motivating Quotes for Every Mood

What’s coming is BETTER than what’s gone.


Scared is what you’re feeling. Brave is what you’re doing.
— when you need motivation
Half of your success is your mindset. What you believe about yourself is what you will allow for your life.
— When you are resetting your thinking
Take more chances. Dance more dances.
— when you're feeling like moving
Be like the moon. Inspire others even when you’re far from full.
— When you are becoming whole
You’ll be amazed at what you attract when you believe in what you DESERVE.
— when you are discovering your true value
Nothing is permanent. You are allowed to grow and change.
— When you are undergoing growth
Celebrate every win. Whether big or small.
— When you are hitting milestones
Be obsessed with your own potential.
— When you know your worth and are unafraid
Today is the perfect day to go for your dreams. Remember why you started. Take the risk. Make the leap.
Become your own inspiration.
— When you're feeling ready
Ellen Hoffman