Making time for self care (even when you don't have the time)

Self care is a non-negotiable. Whether you take five minutes, a couple of hours or a full weekend — as humans we are meant to recharge and reconnect with ourselves on a regular basis. Still, in a culture that values being busy, productive and always plugged in, it can be difficult to take time out for yourself.

Feel like you just absolutely cannot spare a few minutes for yourself — here is why you should.

  1. Self care is a part of healthcare

    Just like any other healthy practice - taking vitamins, flossing your teeth, eating veggies, staying hydrated. Our self care routine (or lack thereof) impacts our physical and mental health.

  2. Know that you aren’t choosing yourself “over” anyone else

    Self care isn’t a choice between being productive, or being of service to others, or wasting time on yourself. Because this is a normal and natural part of maintenance for yourself, taking time out to do something you enjoy, or just not do anything at all, is important and healthy.

  3. Schedule it in bursts

    While there are things you have to do (go to work, pick up the kids, shop for groceries), find ways to “treat” yourself throughout the week, instead of waiting until the proverbial maintenance light is on in your body. This means that you find ways to listen to what you need in that moment, accept that you need it, and take that time and space for yourself. After all, life is designed to be enjoyed not to need pauses and breaks from living.

  4. Accept that you need the space

    Part of what keeps us from taking time away is because we don’t acknowledge or accept what we need in that moment. Sometimes this is because we prioritize other things, tasks and people above ourselves. Other times it’s because of the guilt associated with doing something explicitly for ourselves. Lastly, it can be because we don’t feel like we “deserve” that time or haven’t “earned” it.

    Regardless, it cannot be said enough how critical making time for yourself is. And how much benefit a recharged you can have for the world around.

  5. Surrender to cycles of life

    Recognize that life has a natural ebb and flow. Sometimes things flow beautifully and other times it feels like a boulder is being pushed uphill. When you are gentle with yourself during the boulder times, you prepare yourself to be ready for the sunny and bright times.

Ellen Hoffman